Captiveniaʼs mission is to help girls embrace their baptismal call to be a light in the world. Our hope is that all who attend will know and experience Christ in a fun, medieval setting!
Captivenia is the sister program to Arcātheos, where boys and men draw swords to fight evil and prove their strength as true sons of God.
Captivenia is a program of Catholic Kids Net, Incorporated, a non-profit, registered charity. It is an initiative of Regnum Christi, which is an approved apostolic movement of the Church. The mission of Regnum Christi is: Love Christ, Serve Others, Build the Church.
Captivenia is a missionary-driven program. All directors, administrators, team, parents and other adults, give freely of their time, talent and treasure, while contributing towards their program fees. These individuals also fundraise to help subsidize costs to Bellesera and Maidens.
The talented Captivenia team truly wants to build the Kingdom of Christ in everything that they do. They work tirelessly to create an unforgettable experience for all who attend. Moms and other adult participants also play a vital role serving as the camp back-up team.
Captivenia is located on the beautiful and scenic Britton property near Turner Valley, Alberta (approximately 45 minutes south west of Calgary). While rustic in its setting, Captivenia provides tents with cots and showers for the comfort of those who attend.